Decision details
Application for Section 31 Substance Misuse Grants
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Decision Maker: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Decision status:Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the submission of Section 31 grants associated with supporting improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment between 2022/23 and 2024/25 as part of a consortium arrangement and to accept any funding offered as a result of the application and approve associated spend.
North Yorkshire is eligible to receive additional ring fenced funding to support improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment between 2022/23 to 2024/25.
Approval has been given to submit partnership plans and to receive
the associated Section 31 Grants over a three-year period.
Updates will be provided to the Executive Member on spend and
implementation once allocations are known.
Reasons for the decision:
North Yorkshire County Council will receive a number of ring fenced
additional allocations to support drug and alcohol treatment via a
Section 31 Grant throughout a three year period, subject to
submission of plans led by the Public Health Team, that are
approved by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities
(OHID). Receipt of additional allocations will be dependent on the
Council maintaining existing (2020/21) investment in drug and
alcohol treatment from the Public Health Grant.
This will maximise available investment to expand and improve the
quality of support for people who experience drug and alcohol
misuse across North Yorkshire.
The Public Health Team has led planning meetings throughout 2021
and 2022 with a range of partners including the adult specialist
community drug and alcohol service, the young people’s drug
and alcohol service, North Yorkshire Police, the Probation Service,
the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and
Needs have been assessed, existing commissioning arrangements have
been reviewed and priorities have been agreed. The Public Health
Team is continuing to work with partners to develop plans in
preparation for submissions once allocation packs are
Inpatient funding is led by Leeds City Council as part of a
Consortium with Leeds, North Yorkshire, Calderdale and Barnsley
Councils. The Consortium will be maintained throughout the 2022/23
– 2024/25 period. The North Yorkshire Public Health Team will
continue to support Leeds City Council commissioning
Alternative options considered:
Publication date: 11/04/2022
Date of decision: 08/04/2022
Effective from: 22/04/2022